• What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening To: July 2024

    A roundup of news and multimedia from the Unfamiliar Terrain team:

    San Francisco

    S.F.’s Stonestown to become west side’s largest residential development in 50 years (SF Chronicle): The plan to convert the Stonestown Galleria from a suburban shopping center to an urban neighborhood with thousands of units of housing received its final approvals from the Board of Supervisors.

    $20 billion affordable housing bond measure makes it on November ballot (Business Times): The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority estimated that the funding would roughly double the number of affordable homes built in the region over the next 15 years and push through affordable housing units that observers say are stuck in the pipeline.

    South of Market megaprojects could pivot from office to residential under new proposal from Breed (Business Times): The legislation could open the door for thousands of new homes across swaths of the South of Market neighborhood.

    New legislation would dramatically reduce S.F. transfer tax for certain projects (Business Times): The legislation would temporarily lower transfer taxes for apartment buildings backed by union pension investment.

    Scott Wiener’s downtown CEQA exemption is dead, to Mayor Breed’s dismay (Business Times): The Senate Appropriations Committee voted to hold the bill in suspense, causing it to miss a critical midyear deadline.

    One of S.F.’s most contentious land use battles ends with construction of new housing (SF Chronicle): The seven-story, 90-unit project will become a model — good or bad — for what it means to put dense affordable homes in a neighborhood that has been resisting density for decades.

    Landmark bill creates unprecedented path to approval for housing in San Francisco (Business Times): SB 423 clears the way for some residential projects to evade the City’s lengthy approval processes. 

    California and Beyond

    SB 423 promises to remake housing policy across the Bay Area (Business Times): The law’s streamlining provisions for new residential development also apply to other Bay Area jurisdictions.

    Newsom Orders California Officials to Remove Homeless Encampments (NY Times): The directive is the nation’s most sweeping response to the Court’s decision that gave local leaders greater authority to remove homeless campers.

    After High Court Ruling, L.A. County Supervisors to Reaffirm Policy Against Jailing Homeless People (LA Times): The board considered a motion reaffirming its existing policy that County jails “will not be used to hold people arrested due to enforcement of anti-camping ordinances.”

    L.A. Officials Continue to Stall Homeless Housing Project in Venice, New Lawsuit Claims (LA Times): The lawsuit alleges that by not allowing the project to proceed, the city is preventing the construction of low-income homes in an affluent neighborhood and therefore violating fair housing and equal protection laws.

    Reforming California’s landmark coastal law can restore balance between housing and environment (Cal Matters): A former attorney for the California Coastal Commission says the state Coastal Act has failed to deliver on what it envisioned.

    Behind the evolution of rent control’s politics (The Real Deal): Pushes to overturn state bans on rent control have been mostly futile across the nation, but have gained traction recently in Illinois and California.

    Categories: Blogs
  • As San Francisco Fails to Meet Its Housing Goals, the City’s Approval Process for Housing Projects Just Got Much (Much) Faster and Easier

    As expected, on June 28, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) determined that San Francisco has not made adequate progress toward its State-mandated housing production goal. The City’s Housing Element—which it adopted and HCD certified in January 2023, just in time to avoid triggering certain penalties under the State Housing Element Law (see earlier post here)—sets forth the City’s plan to approve 82,000 units over an eight-year period ending in January 2031. However, according to its most recent Housing Inventory, San Francisco approved only 3,039 new units in 2023, and the City has yet to adopt the zoning amendments required by State law to implement the Housing Element.

    Senate Bill 423 requires San Francisco, specifically, to annually demonstrate that it is keeping pace with its housing production. HCD’s June 28th determination means that many mixed-income housing development projects in San Francisco will now be subject to a streamlined, ministerial approval process. Qualifying projects will be approved by Planning staff and will not require a public approval hearing by the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors, although in many neighborhoods a pre-application informational hearing at the Planning Commission will be required.

    To qualify, projects must be at least 2/3 housing, meet specified labor requirements, and meet certain site-specific criteria—including that the project be located on a residentially-zoned site, not demolish tenant-occupied or rent-controlled units, and not demolish historic structures listed on a historic register—among a few other requirements. Importantly, prior to HCD’s determination, projects also had to restrict 50% of units in the project as affordable to households at 80% area median income (AMI). Now, however, the affordability requirement has been drastically reduced to just 10% of the units in the project, which must be affordable to households at 50% AMI. While the percentage of affordable units required to qualify for streamlined review is now lower, SB 423 does not relieve projects from local inclusionary housing requirements if such requirements are higher.

    If the criteria are met, the following projects must be approved ministerially:

    • Code-compliant projects with 2-9 dwelling units.
    • Code-compliant projects with 10 or more dwelling units that meet San Francisco’s inclusionary affordable housing requirements.

    Notably, Code-compliant projects include projects that take advantage of State Density Bonus Law to increase their unit count above what would typically be permitted under existing zoning.  The City’s application for streamlined approval pursuant to SB 423 is available here.

    Under SB 423, projects of 150 units or fewer must be approved within 90 days of submittal of an application, and projects with more than 150 units must be approved within 180 days. As stated in a press release by former San Francisco Supervisor and now State Senator, Scott Wiener, who authored SB 423, as of June 28 San Francisco is going “from the slowest approver of new homes in California to one of the fastest.”

    Due to San Francisco’s specific annual housing production progress requirement and the City’s lack of progress to date, the City is likely to remain out of compliance. Accordingly, projects complying with San Francisco’s inclusionary affordable housing requirements and SB 423’s site criteria may qualify for streamlined, ministerial review for the foreseeable future. For the time being, we note that 18 other Bay Area jurisdictions do not have compliant Housing Elements and are therefore subject to the same reduced affordability requirement to qualify for SB 423 streamlining benefits. Those jurisdictions are currently Atherton, Belmont, Cupertino, Daly City, Hercules, Lafayette, Larkspur, Los Gatos, Napa County, Palo Alto, Pittsburg, Portola Valley, San Mateo, San Mateo County, Santa Clara County, Saratoga, Woodside, and Yountville. Unlike San Francisco, most or all of these Bay Area jurisdictions will return to the higher 50% affordable requirement when their Housing Elements become compliant, which for some of these jurisdictions could happen within days or weeks.

    Coblentz attorneys will continue to monitor Housing Element compliance and other developments as they relate to these and other jurisdictions.

    Categories: Blogs
  • What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening To: June 2024

    A roundup of news and multimedia from the Unfamiliar Terrain team:

    San Francisco

    Ultra Wealthy Are Putting Money Behind Bets on San Francisco’s Comeback (Bloomberg): Big investments in City businesses and real estate assets continue.

    New data reveals what’s really fueling downtown San Francisco’s recovery (Business Times): New data suggests nightlife and after-hours activity may be a bigger driver of the recovery than what’s happening during the workday.

    S.F. nonprofits secure $100 million gift for affordable artist housing on Market Street (SF Chronicle): Artists Hub on Market and Mercy Housing of California are collaborating to redevelop the Market Street site with approximately 100 affordable housing units.

    Rethinking Revenue: Business Tax Reform in San Francisco in the Era of Remote Work (SPUR): The Office of the Controller and the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector have proposed final tax reform recommendations aiming to increase the City’s economic resilience, create more transparency for taxpayers, and help struggling small businesses.

    California and Beyond

    Bay Area could add 41,000 affordable homes. This map shows where they’d be located (SF Chronicle): A $20 billion housing bond likely headed to Bay Area ballots in November could “unlock” a pipeline of nearly 41,000 units across the nine-county region.

    California will force Malibu and other towns to add housing. Here’s why that’s not nearly enough (LA Times): Exploring why the state government must expand the scope and speed of land-use reforms, with all cities, including wealthy and recalcitrant enclaves, doing their part.

    Newsom promised 1,200 tiny homes for homeless Californians. A year later, none have opened (CalMatters): The Governor said he’d send tiny homes to San Jose, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Diego County. Why haven’t any materialized yet?

    Why a California Plan to Build More Homes Is Failing (Wall Street Journal): Only a few dozen people have built housing under a law allowing them to construct duplexes alongside single-family houses.

    One of every five new homes built in California last year was an ADU (Mercury News): In recent years, California has seen an explosion in ADU construction.

    New battlegrounds emerge in California’s endless housing conflict (CalMatters): Exploring housing clashes emerging in recent weeks, including one in Portola Valley and the other a coalition of cities governed by their own charters, rather than state law.

    7 Creative Solutions to Affordable Housing in California (Chan Zuckerberg Initiative): Ideas about how to solve California’s housing crisis, and proof that it can happen.

    How an American Dream of Housing Became a Reality in Sweden (NY Times): Sweden picked up on the idea of modular construction and put it into practice.

    Categories: Blogs
  • California Supreme Court Upholds UC Berkeley’s Long Range Development Plan and People’s Park Housing Project Approvals

    The California Supreme Court recently upheld the Environmental Impact Report (“EIR”) for the Long Range Development Plan (“LRDP”) for the University of California Berkeley (“UC Berkeley”) and a controversial housing project at a site known as People’s Park. In so doing, it applied the principle that “no matter how important its original purpose, [CEQA] remains a legislative act, subject to legislative limitation and legislative amendment.”

    The Court’s ruling in Make UC a Good Neighbor v. Regents of the University of California involved a challenge brought by project opponents against UC Berkeley’s EIR for its LRDP and a specific housing project at People’s Park. The LRDP is a broad plan for UC Berkeley’s long-term physical development, including land use designations, the location of buildings, and infrastructure systems. It plans for the addition of 11,730 new student beds to accommodate long-term enrollment projections. The People’s Park housing project would develop 1,113 student beds, 1.7 acres of open landscape, and 125 affordable and supportive housing beds for lower income or formerly homeless individuals not affiliated with UC Berkeley.

    Project opponents argued that the EIR failed to consider environmental impacts from “social noise” (i.e., vocal noise generated by students at parties or walking late at night), and that the EIR failed to adequately consider alternative locations other than People’s Park for the housing project. Although the trial court ruled in favor of UC Berkeley, the Court of Appeal agreed with project opponents on those two issues.

    After the California Supreme Court granted review, but before oral arguments in the case, the California Legislature passed Assembly Bill (“AB”) 1307, which amended CEQA by adding two sections to the Public Resources Code: (1) section 21085, which provides that noise generated by project occupants and their guests is not a significant effect on the environment under CEQA for “residential projects”; and (2) section 21085.2, which provides that institutes of public higher education, in an EIR for a residential or mixed-use housing project, are not required to consider alternatives to the location of a proposed project if certain requirements are met.[1]

    Project opponents conceded that under AB 1307, the EIR was not required to analyze social noise from or potential alternative locations to development at People’s Park. The Court confirmed that in mandamus proceedings (such as CEQA actions), “a reviewing court applies the law that is current at the time of judgment in the reviewing court.” The project opponents, however, argued that their LRDP social noise claim remained viable because AB 1307 exempted only “residential projects,” and the LRDP is not a “residential project” within the statute’s meaning. The project opponents also asked the Court to consider their alternative locations argument with respect to potential future LRDP projects.

    The Court rejected both of these arguments. The Court interpreted the undefined term “residential project” broadly in holding that the EIR was not required to analyze social noise impacts of either the People’s Park housing project or the broader LRDP. The Court considered the statute’s purpose, legislative history, and public policy to discern its meaning and concluded that it was “clear” that section 21085 “should be interpreted broadly enough” to apply to the aspects of the LRDP at issue.

    The Court also declined to consider the project opponents’ alternative locations argument with respect to potential future housing projects that were not before the Court.

    The California Supreme Court’s decision gives UC Berkeley the green light to finally move forward with the student housing project at People’s Park, and also reaffirms principles of statutory construction and that courts should apply the law in effect at the time of their ruling. In addition, its broad interpretation of “residential project” means that not only specific projects, but also residential components of long-term planning efforts, should not be required to analyze social noise as an environmental effect under CEQA.


    [1] These requirements are that the project must: (1) be located on a site that is no more than five acres and be substantially surrounded by qualified urban uses; and (2) have already been evaluated in the EIR for the most recent LRDP for the applicable campus.

    Categories: Blogs
  • Supreme Court Impact Fee Decision Creates Opportunities for Developers and Property Owners

    On April 12, 2024, the United States Supreme Court issued an opinion that may significantly affect how development impact fees are assessed in California. In Sheetz v. County of El Dorado,[1] the Court unanimously held that legislatively imposed permit conditions are subject to the same constitutional test – informally referred to as the “Nollan/Dolan” test – as administratively adopted permit conditions. Under this test, permit conditions must have “an essential nexus” to the government’s land use interest and a “rough proportionality” to the development’s impact on the land use interest.

    Prior to Sheetz, when a local government imposed an exaction through legislative action (such as development impact fees adopted and imposed under the Mitigation Fee Act), it did not need to satisfy the tests established under Nollan v. California Coastal Commission[2] and Dolan v. City of Tigard.[3] As a practical matter, this meant that legislatively adopted fees received very little scrutiny when applicants challenged them in court. Although the Sheetz opinion is narrowly crafted, it provides new opportunities to challenge and to negotiate over impact fees and other legislatively adopted exactions.

    Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP submitted an amicus brief on behalf of the Bay Area Council in support of the petitioner’s claims, explaining that the lack of a judicial check on impact fees has resulted in some excessively high fees and extreme variation in fees by jurisdiction, particularly in the Bay Area.

    Case Background

    The County of El Dorado’s Board of Supervisors enacted a traffic impact fee on new construction to finance new roads and the widening of existing roads. Under this program, the traffic impact fee was based on a rate schedule that took into account a project site’s location within the County and construction type. The fee was imposed regardless of a project’s actual impact on roads.

    George Sheetz applied for a building permit from the County to construct a modest manufactured house on his property. The County issued a permit for the house on the condition that Mr. Sheetz pay the traffic impact fee in the amount of $23,420. Mr. Sheetz paid the fee under protest.

    In 2017, Mr. Sheetz filed an action against the County, seeking a fee refund on the grounds that the traffic impact fee was an unconstitutional condition under the U.S. Supreme Court’s Nollan/Dolan precedent.

    In rejecting Mr. Sheetz’s claims, the Court of Appeal held that, “[u]nder California law, only certain development fees are subject to the heightened scrutiny of the Nollan/Dolan test,” including “development fees imposed as a condition of permit approval where such fees are imposed . . . neither generally nor ministerially, but on an individual and discretionary basis.”[4] The Court reasoned that the requirements of Nollan/Dolan do not extend to development fees that broadly apply to property owners through legislative action, as opposed to fees imposed ad hoc on individual permit applications.

    The California Supreme Court denied review, but the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari to answer the narrow question of whether legislatively adopted exactions are subject to the Nollan/Dolan test.

    The Sheetz Decision and Key Takeaways

    On the question presented, the unanimous Court was clear: the Takings Clause does not distinguish between legislative and administrative land use permit conditions, meaning that legislatively adopted exactions are subject to the Nollan/Dolan test. The Court stated that nothing in constitutional text, history, or precedent supports exempting legislatures from ordinary takings rules.

    But the Court left open a number of issues and the three concurring opinions suggest that the Justices are not unanimous in their views of several ancillary, unanswered questions. For example, the Court explicitly did not address whether a permit condition imposed on a class of properties must be tailored with the same degree of specificity as a permit condition that targets a particular development. Justice Gorsuch’s concurring opinion took issue with the Court’s failure to reach this issue, stating that an “individualized determination” is required regardless of whether the fee impacts a class of properties or a particular development.[5] Justice Kavanaugh, joined by Justices Kagan and Jackson, disagreed in a concurring opinion emphasizing that the Court did not address the common government practice of imposing impact fees and other permit conditions through “reasonable formulas or schedules that assess the impact of classes of development rather than the impact of specific parcels or property.”[6] In a third concurring opinion, Justice Sotomayor, joined by Justice Jackson, stated that the trigger for Nolan/Dollan scrutiny is “whether the permit condition would be a compensable taking if imposed outside the permitting context.”[7] This may suggest that at least two Justices believe there might be an entirely different way to view impact fees, potentially outside of the takings jurisprudence.

    Immediate and Long-Term Implications of Sheetz

    Despite the open questions, Sheetz gives developers new options to challenge and negotiate over fees. Ever since the California Supreme Court in San Remo Hotel L.P. v. San Francisco[8] exempted legislatively adopted impact fees from the Nollan/Dolan test, local jurisdictions have had a powerful argument to rebuff fee challenges. With Sheetz, local jurisdictions have lost that tool. At the very least, we expect an uptick in impact fee litigation with greater success by developers. We also believe local jurisdictions will be more open to negotiation over impact fees as applied to individual projects.

    California courts will now address some of the questions that the Justices left unanswered, and we expect this area will remain dynamic as new cases are decided. In fact, Sheetz itself lives on as the Court of Appeal is now considering how to apply the Supreme Court’s decision. We will be watching carefully as the courts confront the remaining open issues.

    We do not expect that a large number of local jurisdictions will immediately revamp their existing fee programs. But as new fees are proposed or updated nexus studies are prepared, we anticipate that resulting fee programs will be tailored so that the fee imposed more closely matches the impact of the development. While Sheetz did not mark the end of impact fees (as some had predicted could happen with a more sweeping opinion), it likely will eventually result in fees that are more “proportional” to the impact.

    For projects already struggling to pencil due to stubbornly high construction costs and interest rates, impact fees – sometimes reaching into six figures per unit – can pose additional barriers. As developers try to find ways to make projects viable, the Sheetz decision creates a stronger basis for revisiting impact fees that may be disproportionate to a project’s actual impacts.


    [1] (2024) 601 U.S. 267.

    [2] (1987) 483 U.S. 825.

    [3] (1994) 512 U.S. 374.

    [4] Sheetz v. County of El Dorado (2022) 84 Cal.App.5th 394, 406 (internal citations omitted), vacated and remanded by the U.S. Supreme Court.

    [5] Sheetz v. County of El Dorado, supra, 601 U.S. at p. 283 (conc. opn. of Gorsuch, J.).

    [6] Id. at p. 284 (conc. opn. of Kavanaugh, J.).

    [7] Id. at p. 280–281 (conc. opn. of Sotomayor, J.).

    [8] (2002) 27 Cal.4th 643.


    Categories: Blogs
  • San Francisco Adopts New Land Use Controls for Fleet Charging and Parcel Delivery Service Uses

    The San Francisco Board of Supervisors recently amended the Planning Code’s controls to further regulate Fleet Charging and Parcel Delivery Service uses, primarily affecting Production, Distribution, and Repair (PDR) zoning districts. Below, we provide an overview of the legislative changes.

    Fleet Charging Background

    Fleet Charging[i] describes facilities that exclusively serve commercial or institutional vehicular fleets, including autonomous vehicles. These are distinguished from Electric Vehicle Charging Locations, which are open to the public. Starting in 2022, the Planning Code has generally required a Conditional Use Authorization (CUA) in the zoning districts where Fleet Charging uses are allowed, and has prohibited Fleet Charging as an accessory use to any other principal use. In most PDR districts (PDR-1-D, PDR-1-G, and PDR-2), however, an exception was available to convert existing private parking lots or vehicle storage lots to Fleet Charging uses by right, without a CUA.

    Updated Fleet Charging Legislation

    In 2023, Supervisor Peskin introduced amendments to the Fleet Charging legislation, which were unanimously approved by the Board on March 5, 2024 and signed by the Mayor on March 15, 2024. The amendments do not change the zoning districts where Fleet Charging uses may be allowed, but require a CUA in all PDR districts, regardless of the existing or former use of the site. This change removed the by-right exception available in three PDR districts to convert existing private parking lots or vehicle storage lots to Fleet Charging uses. Development applications submitted before January 11, 2024 are grandfathered into the prior regime.

    Parcel Delivery Service Background

    Demand for Parcel Delivery Service[ii]—a use category that includes traditional package shipping providers as well as services for delivery of e-commerce goods, food orders, cannabis, and more—has grown in recent years, largely in response to online shopping and fast delivery guarantees. In San Francisco, Parcel Delivery Service was historically permitted in districts that allow PDR uses, generally clustered in the southeast sector of the City.

    In 2022, District 10 Supervisor Walton introduced and the Board approved interim Parcel Delivery Service controls, initially effective for 18 months between April 1, 2022, and September 30, 2023, and later amended and extended to March 30, 2024. Although sometimes described as a “moratorium,” the interim controls did not prohibit new Parcel Delivery Services, but newly required a CUA for those uses in all zoning districts. (The interim controls included a CUA exemption for temporary Parcel Delivery Services for up to 60 days within a 12-month period). Subsequent legislation prohibited Parcel Delivery Service activity, including unloading, sorting, and/or reloading merchandise, as part of a Fleet Charging use.

    The Planning Department’s post-passage report from March 30, 2023 noted that several cannabis delivery businesses were impacted by the interim controls because they were classified under the Parcel Delivery Service definition.

    Updated Parcel Delivery Service Legislation

    As the extended Parcel Delivery Service interim controls were set to expire, the Board amended the Planning Code on March 5, 2024 (signed by the Mayor on March 15, 2024) to establish permanent regulations for these uses. In general, the changes are focused in the following areas:

    • In zoning districts where Parcel Delivery Services were generally permitted prior to the interim controls (PDR, M Industrial, and C-3 districts), those uses now require a CUA. This includes Parcel Delivery Service uses of 5,000 SF or less, which did not trigger a CUA under the amended interim controls.
    • Except for Parcel Delivery Service for cannabis and cannabis products, Parcel Delivery Service uses are not allowed to be accessory to any other use and must be an established principal use.
    • CUAs for Parcel Delivery Services greater than 5,000 SF are subject to additional criteria, including analyses regarding 1) impacts to traffic patterns, queuing times, and total vehicle miles traveled, 2) greenhouse gas emissions resulting from operation of the site, and 3) a study evaluating the potential economic impact of the proposed project, including an employment analysis (projecting construction and permanent employment generated and discussing the employer’s wages and benefits provided) and a fiscal impact analysis (itemizing public revenue created and public services needed).
    • All Parcel Delivery Service uses, regardless of size, are also subject to “at least the following conditions of project approval”: on-site electrification (including battery storage requirements) and vehicle idling prohibitions.

    The Board is currently considering additional amendments, introduced by Supervisor Chan, that would add a new CUA criterion regarding impacts to educational institutions located near a proposed Parcel Delivery Service site and refine the existing employment analysis criterion to study AI utilization and use of autonomous vehicles. We’ll continue to track these and other important legislative updates affecting Fleet Charging and Parcel Delivery Service uses in the City’s PDR districts.



    [i] Defined in the Planning Code as “Automotive Use, Non-Retail that provides electricity to electric motor vehicles through one or more Electric Vehicle Charging Stations that are dedicated or reserved for private parties pursuant to contract or other agreement and are not available to the general public. Fleet Charging is not allowed as an accessory use to any other principal use. Parcel Delivery Service activity, including unloading, sorting, and/or reloading merchandise for deliveries, is prohibited as part of a Fleet Charging use.”

    [ii] Defined in the Planning Code as “[a] Non-Retail Automotive Use limited to facilities for the unloading, sorting, and reloading of local retail merchandise for deliveries, including but not limited to cannabis and cannabis products, where the operation is conducted entirely within a completely enclosed building, including garage facilities for local delivery trucks, but excluding repair shop facilities. Within PDR Districts, this use is not required to be operated within a completely enclosed building. Parcel Delivery Service for merchandise or products other than cannabis and cannabis products is not allowed as an accessory use to any other principal use.”



    Categories: Blogs
  • What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening To: May 2024

    A roundup of news and multimedia from the Unfamiliar Terrain team:

    San Francisco

    Small and Mighty: How small businesses can reinvent downtown San Francisco (SPUR Policy Brief): SPUR’s research, drawn from a literature review and interviews with City staff, small business owners, and nonprofits, pinpoints seven interventions that would make a difference to help small downtown businesses succeed.

    These tech workers want to build a co-living ‘campus’ across a square mile of S.F. But for whom? (SF Chronicle): The nonprofit City Campus envisions turning one square mile of the Lower Haight, Hayes Valley, and Alamo Square neighborhoods into a multigenerational campus.

    S.F. prioritized building homes for the ‘missing middle.’ 80% of units sit empty (SF Chronicle): Developers who have recently built apartments aimed at moderate-income families in San Francisco have discovered a harsh reality: The missing middle seems to have gone missing.

    Making the Ive Hive: Jony Ive’s bold plans to reshape a small slice of San Francisco (SF Standard): Entities tied to the legendary Apple designer are buying up nearly a city block in Jackson Square.

    California and Beyond

    Berkeley recognized as ‘pro-housing’ by state, eligible for millions in grants (Business Times): Berkeley is now eligible to apply for a share of an exclusive state housing grant after being named among 10 cities recognized for their pro-housing policies.

    California’s most controversial housing law could get a makeover (CalMatters): Some California lawmakers want to clear up, but also rein in, the Builder’s Remedy.

    California is building fewer homes. The state could get even more expensive (LA Times): Across California and the nation, developers moved to start fewer homes in 2023, a decline some experts say could eventually send home prices and rents even higher as supply shortages worsen.

    Not your grandma’s granny flat: How San Diego hacked state housing law to build ADU ‘apartment buildings’ (CalMatters): A 2021 state law radically changed the housing equation in San Diego. Advocates, developers, and policymakers are split on whether it should be exported to other jurisdictions.

    These California Companies Want to Buy Your Backyard — and Build a House (KQED): Companies are hoping to jumpstart the construction of SB 9 projects by taking on the permitting and development work themselves, as well as making it easier for homeowners to take advantage of the law.

    ‘Getting out of hand’: Legislator blasts California Coastal Commission on housing (SF Gate): Amid the state’s housing crisis, some legislators and housing advocates are arguing that the 12-member commission’s powers have expanded too far.

    California’s population is on the rise. So much for the claims of the state’s demise (LA Times): California has resumed adding people after three years of shedding them.



    Categories: Blogs
  • What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening To: March 2024

    A roundup of news and multimedia from the Unfamiliar Terrain team:

    San Francisco

    San Francisco’s Montgomery Street Could Signal a Downtown Revival (NY Times): Why a seven-block stretch of Montgomery Street, from the Transamerica Pyramid to Market Street, offers hope for recovery in the City.

    Why TMG Partners Co-CEO Matt Field is still betting on San Francisco (Business Journals): Insight into Matt’s life and work, and how he’s thinking about the City’s downtown recovery.

    What I Found in San Francisco (The Atlantic): Exploring the daily realities of San Francisco.

    Everything Is About the Housing Market (The Atlantic): Discussing how high rents make life worse for everyone in countless ways.

    California and Beyond

    Billionaire-Built Cities Would Be Better Than Nothing (NY Times): Exploring why the Bay Area needs a lot more housing, and how privately built cities could help get us there.

    Structured for Success: Reforming housing governance in California and the Bay Area (SPUR): Explaining how California’s current housing governance system works, detailing the challenges of the existing system, and offering recommendations to improve it so that California can produce sufficient housing.

    Los Angeles’ one weird trick to build affordable housing at no public cost (CalMatters): How Los Angeles is now approving hundreds of unsubsidized, 100% affordable projects.

    New York Reimagined Subsidized Housing. What Happened? (NY Times): Analyzing the impact of one South Bronx subsidized housing development a decade after it opened.

    Cities Face Cutbacks as Commercial Real Estate Prices Tumble (NY Times): Lost tax revenue fuels concerns about the far-reaching economic consequences for cities.

    The Surprising Left-Right Alliance That Wants More Apartments in Suburbs (NY Times): Legislators from both sides of the political divide are working to add duplexes and apartments to single-family neighborhoods.

    In Tokyo, Rescuing the Residential Spaceship That Fell to Earth (NY Times): Fifty years ago, the Nakagin Capsule Tower was hailed as a marvel of organic architecture. Now its legacy lives on through 23 orphaned capsules.

    How Does Paris Stay Paris? By Pouring Billions Into Public Housing (NY Times): One quarter of residents in the French capital live in government-owned housing, part of an aggressive plan to keep lower-income Parisians — and their businesses — in the city.

    Categories: Blogs
  • March 2024 Election: San Francisco Measures and a State Proposition to Watch

    Voters in San Francisco and California will again confront a formidable ballot during the election on March 5, 2024, with an array of qualified City measures and one state proposition to consider. Key measures related to real estate and housing are as follows:

    San Francisco Proposition A (Affordable Housing Bonds): Proposition A would allow the City to borrow up to $300 million by issuing general obligation bonds to construct, develop, acquire, and/or rehabilitate affordable housing. Of that $300 million:

    • Up to $240 million of bond proceeds would be used for new rental housing, including senior and workforce housing, for extremely low-income, very low-income, and lower-income households.
    • Up to $30 million would be used to preserve existing affordable housing that is affordable for lower-income and moderate-income households.
    • Up to $30 million would be used to serve extremely low-income, very low-income, and/or lower-income households who need safe and stable housing and are experiencing street violence, domestic violence and abuse, sexual abuse and assault, human trafficking, or other trauma relating to homelessness.

    The measure proposes to raise these funds through an estimated average tax of 57 cents per $100 of assessed property value. For rent controlled units, landlords can pass through to tenants 50 percent of this real property tax increase. The Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee would audit the expenditure of these bond proceeds.

    One of the major drivers of the measure is the City’s need to meet its state-mandated Regional Housing Needs Allocation of over 46,000 affordable housing units by 2031, which we’ve written about here and here.

    Support and Opposition: Proposition A was placed on the ballot by an 11-0 vote of the Board of Supervisors, the ordinance for which was signed by the Mayor. Proponents of Proposition A, including Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin, the SF Democratic County Central Committee (DCCC), SPUR[1], TogetherSF, SF YIMBY, the San Francisco Labor Council, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Council of Community Housing Organizations, the San Francisco Tenants Union, and the Mission Housing Development Corporation, argue that the measure provides essential affordable housing for working parents and families, teachers, firefighters, nurses, veterans, and seniors on fixed incomes. Opponents, including Larry Marso, argue that the City should push back against state-mandated housing levels, reign in borrowing, and protect against rising property taxes on existing home owners.

    Proposition A requires a two-thirds vote to pass.

    San Francisco Proposition C (Real Estate Transfer Tax Exemption and Office Space Allocation): For any property owner that receives permission to convert a property from commercial to residential use before January 1, 2030, Proposition C would exempt its initial post-conversion transfer from the transfer tax, up to a combined limit of 5 million square feet of space converted. The measure also allows the Board of Supervisors to amend the transfer tax without voter approval (but not to increase it), and permits office space that has been converted or demolished to be returned to the Proposition M allocation pool for allocation to new office developments of at least 50,000 square feet.

    Support and Opposition: Proposition C was placed on the ballot by the Mayor, and is supported by certain members of the Board of Supervisors, the Housing Action Coalition, GrowSF, SF YIMBY, SPUR, TogetherSF, YIMBY Action, Senator Scott Wiener, the San Francisco Chronicle, and various small business and merchants associations, who assert that the City’s current transfer tax – which is up to 6 percent on transactions of $25 million or more – is a significant barrier to a more vibrant downtown and disincentivizes the conversion of underused office buildings to housing. Opponents of the proposition, including Supervisor Dean Preston, John Avalos, the SF DCCC, the Affordable Housing Alliance, the San Francisco Labor Council, the San Francisco Tenants Union, and the Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club, maintain that the measure would take power away from the voters, provide unnecessary tax breaks to the rich, and limit funding for vital City services. A recent report by the Office of the Controller concludes that although the goals of revitalizing San Francisco’s downtown and increasing housing opportunities are important, office to residential conversion may not be currently financially feasible, and the proposed incentive is likely too small to close the feasibility gap.

    Proposition C requires a simple majority to pass.

    San Francisco Proposition D (Changes to Local Ethics Laws): Proposition D would tighten City ethics laws, including by:

    • Expanding the types and sources of gifts that City officers and employees are prohibited from accepting;
    • Amending the definition of bribery to prohibit City officers and employees from soliciting or accepting anything of value for themselves or a third party with the goal of influencing any government action;
    • Requiring City department heads to report additional information about gifts to their department and allowing discipline for failing to meet these requirements;
    • Creating a uniform set of rules for all prohibited nonwork activities for City officers and employees;
    • Allowing for monetary penalties when City officers and employees fail to make required disclosures about their personal, professional, or business relationships;
    • Requiring all City employees with decision-making authority to complete an annual ethics training; and
    • Requiring voter approval or supermajority votes by both the Board of Supervisors and the San Francisco Ethics Commission to amend most City ethics laws.

    According to the Ethics Commission, these changes are also designed to standardize ethics rules and enforcement across City departments. If this measure passes, the provisions would become effective six months after the election.

    Support and Opposition: Proposition D was placed on the ballot by a unanimous vote of the Ethics Commission in response to recent incidents involving corruption on the part of City officials and those doing business with the City. Proponents, including SPUR, the San Francisco Chronicle, the SF DCCC, the San Francisco Labor Council, and TogetherSF, argue that recent City government corruption lays out a case for much-needed internal reform. Opponents of the proposition, including Larry Marso and 11th Congressional District candidate Eve Del Castello, state that it is more efficient to have City departments set individual, tailored policies rather than creating a uniform set of rules and that the measure would continue to expand the headcount, and spending, within the Ethics Commission.

    Proposition D requires a simple majority to pass.

    California Proposition 1 (Behavioral Health Services Act and Behavioral Health Infrastructure Bond Act): Proposition 1 would authorize the state to sell a total of $6.4 billion in new bonds to build treatment facilities for those with mental health and substance use challenges (up to $4.4 billion) and to fund the state program that gives money to local governments to turn hotels, motels, and other buildings into housing and to construct new housing ($2 billion). Proposition 1 would amend the Mental Health Services Act (Proposition 63), which was passed by voters in 2004 and taxes individuals with incomes over $1 million per year, to allow funding to be used to treat substance use disorders (and not just mental health disorders), reallocate funding for full-service treatment programs, behavioral health services, and housing programs, and require annual audits of programs.

    Support and Opposition: Proposition 1 was put on the ballot by the Legislature. Proponents, including Governor Gavin Newsom, California Professional Firefighters, the California Chamber of Commerce, the SF DCCC, the Veteran Mentor Project, the San Francisco Chronicle, SPUR, TogetherSF, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness–California, argue that the state’s mental health system is broken and that the proposition would move people permanently off the streets, out of tents, and into treatment. Opponents, including Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones, Assemblymember Diane B. Dixon, and Mental Health America of California, argue that Proposition 1 is a heavy burden on taxpayers and that a better tactic is to attack the problem of homelessness and mental health challenges through the regular budget process. They also assert that the proposition reduces local control, bringing a one-size-fits-all approach to a program that counties already offer.

    Proposition 1 would modify Proposition 63 and requires a simple majority to pass.



    [1] Links provided in this post to substantive voter guides, where available.

    Categories: Blogs
  • Senator Wiener Proposes Targeted CEQA Exemption for Downtown S.F. Projects

    Recognizing that Downtown San Francisco is “struggling” post-pandemic, State Senator Scott Wiener has announced new legislation to exempt certain projects in the area from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review for a 10-year period, together with a tax exemption for projects providing workforce housing. SB 1227 seeks to expand on SB 423, CEQA streamlining legislation the Senator authored last year, which will result in many housing projects in San Francisco becoming exempt from CEQA as of mid-2024. (See our past coverage here).

    Temporary CEQA Exemption

    Unlike SB 423, SB 1227 would apply to a range of non-residential and mixed use projects that do not meet the definition of a “housing development project,” as well as student housing projects, and it will apply only in a defined “downtown revitalization zone,” which includes the Financial District, Union Square, Civic Center, Yerba Buena, East Cut, South Beach, and Rincon Hill. (See map here). To qualify for the CEQA exemption, the project must not involve demolition of:

    • Housing restricted to below-market rate households, or subject to rent control;
    • Housing occupied by tenants, or a building operated as a hotel, within 10 years prior to submittal of an application for development; or
    • A listed historic structure.

    The site must also meet a number of environmental criteria, including not being located on a designated hazardous waste site or special flood hazard area. Many of the site requirements will be met simply due to the highly urbanized nature of the targeted area (e.g., there are no areas of prime farmland or very high fire hazard severity zones in downtown San Francisco). Importantly, most projects will be required to meet labor requirements similar to SB 423’s, summarized below:

    • All projects over 10,000 square feet or proposing 10 or more residential units must pay prevailing wages;
    • Projects over 40,000 square feet must also comply with apprenticeship, health care, and reporting requirements;
    • Projects over 40,000 square feet that do not include residential uses, or that include residential uses and are over 85 feet in height, must also comply with specified requirements for a skilled and trained workforce.

    By leaving local zoning controls intact but eliminating CEQA review in these limited circumstances, the bill could significantly shorten the review period, and avoid lengthy litigation challenges, for qualifying projects.

    Expansion of Welfare Exemption

    SB 1227 would also expand the partial “welfare exemption” from property tax for specified projects in the downtown revitalization zone that provide workforce housing. To qualify, projects must obtain building or site permits for residential units before January 1, 2035 and must provide rental housing up to 120% of the area median income, so long as they are rented 10% below the market value. By expanding an exemption already used by residential projects affordable to lower income households, the legislation is intended to encourage the production of moderate-income residential projects in downtown San Francisco.

    Throughout the legislative session, we will continue to monitor SB 1227, as well as other legislation related to housing and development, and will provide updates as they become available.

    Categories: Blogs