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Coblentz Joins Legal Alliance for Reproductive Rights

Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass is proud to join the Legal Alliance for Reproductive Rights, a coalition of more than 20 Bay Area law firms that will provide civil and criminal assistance to those in California and across the country who will be affected if Roe v. Wade is struck down by the United States Supreme Court.

The Legal Alliance for Reproductive Rights will connect pregnant people and providers facing civil suits and criminal charges related to seeking or providing abortions in California and other states with member law firms who will represent them on a pro bono basis. Member law firms will also assist in pro bono civil and criminal defense in other states where the right to choose no longer exists.

“This is the most precarious time for reproductive rights in our lifetimes,” said San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu.“I’m grateful our Bay Area legal community is stepping into the fight to defend access to reproductive healthcare and protect those in need of legal assistance. During this moment when fundamental rights are at stake, we welcome legal communities around California and our country to join us.”

The Alliance expects to be operational and available to assist with cases later this year. For more details, please see the press release announcing the Legal Alliance for Reproductive Rights.